Since 1977 Downey Christian School has provided quality Christian education to central Florida students in K-12th grades.
Admisison process:
To schedule your first interview please call the school office: (407) 275-0340
The first interview consists of a campus tour and family interview.
Please be sure to bring the following documents to your first interview:
Previous Teacher Recommendation
Elementary students:
Most recent report card
504 plan (if applicable)
individualized education plan (IEP) (if applicable)
psychological evaluations (if applicable)
Middle school students:
Most recent report card
504 plan (if applicable)
individualized education plan (IEP) (if applicable)
psychological evaluations (if applicable)
High school students:
Most recent transcript
504 plan (if applicable)
individualized education plan (IEP) (if applicable)
psychological evaluations (if applicable)
To schedule your diagnostic test please call the school office: (407) 275-0340
Diagnostic testing will be administered on campus to determine your students education level and needs.
Diagnostic testing usually takes approximately 1 -2 hours depending on the students speed and ability.
The Diagnostic testing fee is: $50.00
To schedule your second interview please call the school office: (407) 275-0340
During the second interview one of the school administrators will review and make placement recommendations for the student.
After the second interview is conducted you may register your student(s) for the school year.
Scholarships Accepted
AAA Scholarships are funded in Arizona, Florida, Georgia and Nevada by companies that redirect a portion of their state tax liability to the AAA Scholarship Foundation in exchange for a dollar-for-dollar tax credit. AAA Scholarship Foundation is one of the only 501(c)(3) nonprofit scholarship organizations approved to administer these legislatively-authorized tax credit scholarship programs in multiple states.
The Florida Tax Credit Scholarship (FTC) and Family Empowerment Scholarship for Educational Options (FES-EO) programs give families of K-12 students a choice of financial assistance toward private school tuition and fees, or helps with transportation costs for students to attend a public school different than assigned.
The Family Empowerment Scholarship (formerly Gardiner) allows parents to personalize the education of their children with unique abilities by directing money toward a combination of programs and approved providers. These include schools, therapists, specialists, curriculum, technology – even a college savings account.